1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 169 170 171 172 173 174 175 176 177 178 179 180 181 182 183 184 185 186 187 188 189 190 191 192 193 194 195 196 197 198 199 200 201 202 203 204 205 206 207 208 209 210 211 212 213 214 215 216 217 218 219 220 221 222 223 224 225 226 227 228 229 230 231 232 233 234 235 236 237 238 239 240 241 242 243 244 245 246 247 248 249 250 251 252 253 254 255 256 257 258 259 260 261 262 263 264 265 266 267 268 269 270 271 272 273 274 275 276 277 278 279 280 281 282 283 284 285 286 287 288 289 290 291 292 293 294 295 296 297 298 299 300 301 302 303 304 305 306 307 308 309 310 311 312 313
| /** * 交易内存池,保存所有在当前主链上有效的交易。 * 当交易在网络上广播之后就会被加入交易池。 * 但并不是所有的交易都会被加入,例如交易费太小的,或者“双花”的交易或者非标准交易。 * 内存池中通过一个boost::multi_index类型的变量mapTx来排序所有的交易, * 按照以下四个标准: * - 交易Hash * - 交易费(包括所有的子孙交易) * - 在mempool(内存池)中的时间 * - 挖矿分数 * 为保证交易费的正确性,当新交易被加进mempool时,我们必须更新该交易的所有祖先交易信息,而这个操作可能会导致处理速度变慢,所以必须对更需祖先的数量进行限制。 */ class CTxMemPool { private: uint32_t nCheckFrequency; //!< Value n means that n times in 2^32 we check. 内存检测 表示在2^32时间内检查的次数 unsigned int nTransactionsUpdated; //!< Used by getblocktemplate to trigger CreateNewBlock() invocation CBlockPolicyEstimator* minerPolicyEstimator;
uint64_t totalTxSize; //!< sum of all mempool tx's virtual sizes. Differs from serialized tx size since witness data is discounted. Defined in BIP 141. // 内存中所有mempool中交易的虚拟大小,不包括见证数据
uint64_t cachedInnerUsage; //!< sum of dynamic memory usage of all the map elements (NOT the maps themselves) // map中元素使用的动态内存大小之和
mutable int64_t lastRollingFeeUpdate; mutable bool blockSinceLastRollingFeeBump; mutable double rollingMinimumFeeRate; //!< minimum fee to get into the pool, decreases exponentially // 进入内存池pool需要的最小费用
void trackPackageRemoved(const CFeeRate& rate);
static const int ROLLING_FEE_HALFLIFE = 60 * 60 * 12; // public only for testing
typedef boost::multi_index_container< CTxMemPoolEntry, boost::multi_index::indexed_by< // sorted by txid 根据交易哈希排序 boost::multi_index::hashed_unique<mempoolentry_txid, SaltedTxidHasher>, // sorted by fee rate 根据交易费用排序 boost::multi_index::ordered_non_unique< boost::multi_index::tag<descendant_score>, boost::multi_index::identity<CTxMemPoolEntry>, CompareTxMemPoolEntryByDescendantScore >, // sorted by entry time 根据进入交易池时间排序 boost::multi_index::ordered_non_unique< boost::multi_index::tag<entry_time>, boost::multi_index::identity<CTxMemPoolEntry>, CompareTxMemPoolEntryByEntryTime >, // sorted by fee rate with ancestors 根据祖先交易费用排序 boost::multi_index::ordered_non_unique< boost::multi_index::tag<ancestor_score>, boost::multi_index::identity<CTxMemPoolEntry>, CompareTxMemPoolEntryByAncestorFee > > > indexed_transaction_set;
mutable CCriticalSection cs; indexed_transaction_set mapTx;
typedef indexed_transaction_set::nth_index<0>::type::iterator txiter; std::vector<std::pair<uint256, txiter> > vTxHashes; //!< All tx witness hashes/entries in mapTx, in random order // 所有交易见证数据的哈希 struct CompareIteratorByHash { bool operator()(const txiter &a, const txiter &b) const { return a->GetTx().GetHash() < b->GetTx().GetHash(); } }; typedef std::set<txiter, CompareIteratorByHash> setEntries;
const setEntries & GetMemPoolParents(txiter entry) const; const setEntries & GetMemPoolChildren(txiter entry) const; private: typedef std::map<txiter, setEntries, CompareIteratorByHash> cacheMap;
struct TxLinks { setEntries parents; setEntries children; };
typedef std::map<txiter, TxLinks, CompareIteratorByHash> txlinksMap; txlinksMap mapLinks;
void UpdateParent(txiter entry, txiter parent, bool add); void UpdateChild(txiter entry, txiter child, bool add);
std::vector<indexed_transaction_set::const_iterator> GetSortedDepthAndScore() const;
public: indirectmap<COutPoint, const CTransaction*> mapNextTx; std::map<uint256, CAmount> mapDeltas;
/** Create a new CTxMemPool. * 创建新的交易池 */ explicit CTxMemPool(CBlockPolicyEstimator* estimator = nullptr);
/** * If sanity-checking is turned on, check makes sure the pool is * consistent (does not contain two transactions that spend the same inputs, * all inputs are in the mapNextTx array). If sanity-checking is turned off, * check does nothing. * * 如果卡其了sanity-check, 那么check函数将会保证pool的一致性, * 即不包含双花交易,所有的输入都在mapNextTx数组中。 * 如果关闭了sanity-check,那么check函数什么都不做 */ void check(const CCoinsViewCache *pcoins) const; void setSanityCheck(double dFrequency = 1.0) { nCheckFrequency = static_cast<uint32_t>(dFrequency * 4294967295.0); }
// addUnchecked must updated state for all ancestors of a given transaction, // to track size/count of descendant transactions. // addUnchecked()方法必须首先更新交易的祖先交易状态, // First version of addUnchecked can be used to have it call CalculateMemPoolAncestors(), and // then invoke the second version. // 第一个addUnchecked(...)函数用于调用 计算内存池祖先交易的方法-->CalculateMemPoolAncestors(), // 然后再调用第二个addUnchecked // Note that addUnchecked is ONLY called from ATMP outside of tests // and any other callers may break wallet's in-mempool tracking (due to // lack of CValidationInterface::TransactionAddedToMempool callbacks). bool addUnchecked(const uint256& hash, const CTxMemPoolEntry &entry, bool validFeeEstimate = true); bool addUnchecked(const uint256& hash, const CTxMemPoolEntry &entry, setEntries &setAncestors, bool validFeeEstimate = true);
void removeRecursive(const CTransaction &tx, MemPoolRemovalReason reason = MemPoolRemovalReason::UNKNOWN); void removeForReorg(const CCoinsViewCache *pcoins, unsigned int nMemPoolHeight, int flags); void removeConflicts(const CTransaction &tx); void removeForBlock(const std::vector<CTransactionRef>& vtx, unsigned int nBlockHeight);
void clear(); void _clear(); //lock free 锁释放 bool CompareDepthAndScore(const uint256& hasha, const uint256& hashb); void queryHashes(std::vector<uint256>& vtxid); bool isSpent(const COutPoint& outpoint) const; unsigned int GetTransactionsUpdated() const; void AddTransactionsUpdated(unsigned int n); /** * Check that none of this transactions inputs are in the mempool, and thus * the tx is not dependent on other mempool transactions to be included in a block. * 检查交易输入是否在当前的内存池中,交易并非独立的包含区块的内存池交易中 */ bool HasNoInputsOf(const CTransaction& tx) const;
/** Affect CreateNewBlock prioritisation of transactions */ // 影响创建新的CreateNewBlock关于交易的优先级 void PrioritiseTransaction(const uint256& hash, const CAmount& nFeeDelta); void ApplyDelta(const uint256 hash, CAmount &nFeeDelta) const; void ClearPrioritisation(const uint256 hash);
public: /** Remove a set of transactions from the mempool. * If a transaction is in this set, then all in-mempool descendants must * also be in the set, unless this transaction is being removed for being * in a block. * Set updateDescendants to true when removing a tx that was in a block, so * that any in-mempool descendants have their ancestor state updated. * ------------------------ * 从mempool中移除一个交易集合 * 如果一个交易在这个集合中,那么它的所有子孙交易都必须在集合中, * 除非该交易已经被打包到区块中。 * 如果要移除一个已经被打包到区块中的交易 * 那么要把updateDesendats设为true * 从而更新mempool中所有子孙节点的祖先消息 */ void RemoveStaged(setEntries &stage, bool updateDescendants, MemPoolRemovalReason reason = MemPoolRemovalReason::UNKNOWN);
/** When adding transactions from a disconnected block back to the mempool, * new mempool entries may have children in the mempool (which is generally * not the case when otherwise adding transactions). * UpdateTransactionsFromBlock() will find child transactions and update the * descendant state for each transaction in vHashesToUpdate (excluding any * child transactions present in vHashesToUpdate, which are already accounted * for). Note: vHashesToUpdate should be the set of transactions from the * disconnected block that have been accepted back into the mempool. * * 从竞争失败的Block中更新交易信息到mempool */ void UpdateTransactionsFromBlock(const std::vector<uint256> &vHashesToUpdate);
/** Try to calculate all in-mempool ancestors of entry. * (these are all calculated including the tx itself) * limitAncestorCount = max number of ancestors * limitAncestorSize = max size of ancestors * limitDescendantCount = max number of descendants any ancestor can have * limitDescendantSize = max size of descendants any ancestor can have * errString = populated with error reason if any limits are hit * fSearchForParents = whether to search a tx's vin for in-mempool parents, or * look up parents from mapLinks. Must be true for entries not in the mempool * * 计算mempool中所有的entry的祖先 * limitAncestorCount = 最大祖先数量 * limitAncestorSize = 最大祖先交易大小 * limitDescendantCount = 任意祖先的最大子孙数量 * limitDescendantSize = 任意祖先的最大子孙大小 * errString = 超过了任务limit限制的错误提示 * fSearchForParents = 是否在mempool中搜索交易的输入 * 或者从mapLinks中查找,对于不在mempool中的entry必须设为true */ bool CalculateMemPoolAncestors(const CTxMemPoolEntry &entry, setEntries &setAncestors, uint64_t limitAncestorCount, uint64_t limitAncestorSize, uint64_t limitDescendantCount, uint64_t limitDescendantSize, std::string &errString, bool fSearchForParents = true) const;
/** Populate setDescendants with all in-mempool descendants of hash. * Assumes that setDescendants includes all in-mempool descendants of anything * already in it. */ void CalculateDescendants(txiter it, setEntries& setDescendants) const;
/** The minimum fee to get into the mempool, which may itself not be enough * for larger-sized transactions. * The incrementalRelayFee policy variable is used to bound the time it * takes the fee rate to go back down all the way to 0. When the feerate * would otherwise be half of this, it is set to 0 instead. * ------ * 进入内存池中的所需的最小交易费 * incremental变量用来限制freerate降到0所需的时间 */ CFeeRate GetMinFee(size_t sizelimit) const;
/** Remove transactions from the mempool until its dynamic size is <= sizelimit. * pvNoSpendsRemaining, if set, will be populated with the list of outpoints * which are not in mempool which no longer have any spends in this mempool. * ---- * 移除所有动态大小超过sizelimit的交易 * 如果传入了pvNoSpendsRemaining, 那么将返回不在mempool中并且也无任何输出在mempool的交易列表 */ void TrimToSize(size_t sizelimit, std::vector<COutPoint>* pvNoSpendsRemaining=nullptr);
/** Expire all transaction (and their dependencies) in the mempool older than time. Return the number of removed transactions. */ // 移除所有在time之前的交易和它的子孙交易,然后返回移除数量 int Expire(int64_t time);
/** Returns false if the transaction is in the mempool and not within the chain limit specified. */ // 如果交易在内存池中不满足the chain limit 将返回false bool TransactionWithinChainLimit(const uint256& txid, size_t chainLimit) const;
unsigned long size() { LOCK(cs); return mapTx.size(); }
uint64_t GetTotalTxSize() const { LOCK(cs); return totalTxSize; }
bool exists(uint256 hash) const { LOCK(cs); return (mapTx.count(hash) != 0); }
CTransactionRef get(const uint256& hash) const; TxMempoolInfo info(const uint256& hash) const; std::vector<TxMempoolInfo> infoAll() const;
size_t DynamicMemoryUsage() const;
boost::signals2::signal<void (CTransactionRef)> NotifyEntryAdded; boost::signals2::signal<void (CTransactionRef, MemPoolRemovalReason)> NotifyEntryRemoved;
private: /** UpdateForDescendants is used by UpdateTransactionsFromBlock to update * the descendants for a single transaction that has been added to the * mempool but may have child transactions in the mempool, eg during a * chain reorg. setExclude is the set of descendant transactions in the * mempool that must not be accounted for (because any descendants in * setExclude were added to the mempool after the transaction being * updated and hence their state is already reflected in the parent * state). * * cachedDescendants will be updated with the descendants of the transaction * being updated, so that future invocations don't need to walk the * same transaction again, if encountered in another transaction chain. * * 用来更新被加入pool中的单个交易的子孙节点 * 当子孙交易被更新时,cachedDescendants也同时被更新 */ void UpdateForDescendants(txiter updateIt, cacheMap &cachedDescendants, const std::set<uint256> &setExclude); /** Update ancestors of hash to add/remove it as a descendant transaction. */ void UpdateAncestorsOf(bool add, txiter hash, setEntries &setAncestors); /** Set ancestor state for an entry */ //设置一个entry的祖先 void UpdateEntryForAncestors(txiter it, const setEntries &setAncestors); /** For each transaction being removed, update ancestors and any direct children. * If updateDescendants is true, then also update in-mempool descendants' * ancestor state. */ //对于每一个要移除的交易,更新他的祖先和他接的孩子 。 //如果updateDescentdants设为true,那么同时更新mempool中子孙的祖先状态 void UpdateForRemoveFromMempool(const setEntries &entriesToRemove, bool updateDescendants); /** Sever link between specified transaction and direct children. */ void UpdateChildrenForRemoval(txiter entry);
/** Before calling removeUnchecked for a given transaction, * UpdateForRemoveFromMempool must be called on the entire (dependent) set * of transactions being removed at the same time. We use each * CTxMemPoolEntry's setMemPoolParents in order to walk ancestors of a * given transaction that is removed, so we can't remove intermediate * transactions in a chain before we've updated all the state for the * removal. * --------- * 对于一个特定的交易,调用removeUnchecked之前, * 必须为同时要移除的的交易集合调用UpdateForRemoveFromMempool。 * 我们使用每个CTxMemPoolEntry中的setMemPoolParents来遍历要移除交易的祖先, * 这样能保证我们更新的正确性。 */ void removeUnchecked(txiter entry, MemPoolRemovalReason reason = MemPoolRemovalReason::UNKNOWN); };